
All the available options of the audioMotion-analyzer can be passed as an object using the options prop of the Vue plugin:

<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'

const options = {
  alphaBars: false,
  audioCtx: undefined, // constructor only
  barSpace: 0.1,
  bgAlpha: 0.7,
  connectSpeakers: true, // constructor only
  fftSize: 8192,
  fillAlpha: 1,
  fsElement: undefined, // constructor only
  gradient: ‘classic’,
  height: undefined,
  ledBars: false,
  lineWidth: 0,
  loRes: false,
  lumiBars: false,
  maxDecibels: -25,
  maxFreq: 22000,
  minDecibels: -85,
  minFreq: 20,
  mirror: 0,
  mode: 0,
  onCanvasDraw: undefined,
  onCanvasResize: undefined,
  outlineBars: false,
  overlay: false,
  radial: false,
  reflexAlpha: 0.15,
  reflexBright: 1,
  reflexFit: true,
  reflexRatio: 0,
  showBgColor: true,
  showFPS: false,
  showPeaks: true,
  showScaleX: true,
  showScaleY: false,
  smoothing: 0.5,
  source: undefined, // constructor only
  spinSpeed: 0,
  splitGradient: false,
  start: true,
  channelLayout: 'single',
  useCanvas: true,
  volume: 1,
  width: undefined

const audio = ref()
onMounted(() => { audio.value = document.getElementById('audio') })

    <audio id="audio" ref="audioRef" src="..."></audio>
    <VueAudioMotionAnalyzer :source="audio" :options="options" />


<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import type { Options } from 'vue-audiomotion-analyzer'

const options: Options = {
    mode: 2,
    showScaleX: false

const audio = ref<HTMLMediaElement>()
onMounted(() => {
    audio.value = <HTMLMediaElement> document.getElementById('audio')

    <audio id="audio" ref="audioRef" src="..."></audio>
    <VueAudioMotionAnalyzer :source="audio" />